Aquatic Stimulation classes at Hotel Pinomar

en Hotel Pinomar con Laura Peist

Aquatic Stimulation classes at Hotel Pinomar

What is Matroswimming?

LauraPeist-Matroswimming is the first school in the province of Cadiz for early stimulation of babies from 4 months onwards.

Through a personalized methodology we pretend that each baby from their first months of life can enjoy the water and the many benefits of this great activity.

The focus on the benefits of this aquatic activity, just as we think in our school, not only focuses on the importance of the development of the motor areas, but also in cognitive, sensory and social baby areas, through games, gentleness, patience and much love … pillars that will accompany the child throughout its life.

Babies encourage and learn each at their own pace … but all together: babies, parents and monitors will form a GREAT TEAM.

Through personalized the pedagogical planning, and adapted to the needs of each baby, we will hold various activities to achieve the objectives, taking into account that it will always be the baby who set the pace and timing of our progress.


Entitled swimming coach, specializing in hydrotherapy, therapeutic swimming, Aqua pilates, Watsu and matroswimming.

From a didactic and therapeutic approach of swimming, she has dedicated her life to water especially in the benefits associated with the practice of different activities in the aquatic environment.

From her experience as a mother, she has lived in first person as swimming and water significantly improves health and personal development of children from a very early age.

She currently heads the school Laura Peist- Matroswimming formed by a team of professionals.


Phone: 619 929 462


Posted by Dospel & GanjaParker